Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 4: post-vet & Day 5 morning

Bella: "That was exhausting. I'm tired!"


I am the happiest cat. Ever.
(Okay really, there are SO MANY good captions for this...)


We got smart and put a towel on our stomachs so there are no "presents" on us.


Bella is happy

our little burritos!

Exhausted Luna

Tuesday night (Day 4) we had a little scare. There was blood in Bella's stool. We do not believe this has happen since (while she has gone #2, she has done so all over the towels and it was smeared - so we couldn't really examine it...)

According to the internet, blood in the stool can happen for several reasons: bacteria, worms, UTI.... etc. Jon called the vet, on Day 5 AM. The vet said that it actually could be because of stress - with the card ride to/from the vet and the whole vet experience. If it happens again, we should take her in. The fact that she is still a very active young cat, and is still noisy and active is a good sign. We'll keep you posted.

As far as weight goes:

Bella has been jumping up down... she was 3.7 oz after the stool incident... and then today she jumped around between 4.1-4.3 oz.

Luna has been between 9.7 and 10.2 oz.

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